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Monday, 22 June 2020

India has the most cyber attacks after online attacks / US; We can send emails of more than 2 million people to hackers, free covid test

Cyber Attack News | China USA India Russia Cyber Attack Latest News Updates; Know What Country Has The Most Cyper Attacks

New Delhi. Apart from the border, a new threat is now facing India. This is the danger of cyber-attack Cyber ​​intelligence firm Cypharma has warned about this. According to Cypharma, Chinese hackers have prepared a list of Indian companies. This is a list of companies on which Chinese hackers are preparing for cyber attacks.

Preparations against India-
North Korea hackers have created an email id for India. These hackers have emails from over 2 million people in India. With this ID, people from Delhi, Mumbai, Ahmedabad, Hyderabad, and Chennai are preparing to send a mail for free Kovid tests, so that people can share their personal information over email. However, Chinese hackers have a list of Indian companies, including most media companies.

We are on target of China, Pakistan
The report by online security firm Symantec Corp states that India is the country with the most cyberattacks after the US. Between 2016 and 2018, there were 255 attacks on America and 128 attacks on India. The cyber attacks on India are from China, Pakistan, Russia, Ukraine, Vietnam, and North Korea.

How can Chinese hackers cyber attack on India?
In an emailed reply, Cypharma said that China can do cyber attacks on India in 4 ways.
1. Website Defense: In this, the government website is hacked and their visual appearance is changed.
2. Phishing or Spear Fishing Attack: In this, the hackers send the link via email or message, on which the data is leaked as soon as clicked.
3. Backdoor attack: In this, malware is sent to the hacker computer, so that the user can get all the information.
4. Honey Trapping: Detectives from another country try to talk to the high-level officials of our country and try to extract information. Either by creating fake profiles on social media or you can hack the ID of a partner working with them.

North Korean hackers are also in the attack

According to Cypharma, not only Chinese hackers, but North Korean hackers are also looking at cyberattacks in 6 countries around the world. There is a deep friendship between China and North Korea. There was also an agreement between the two in 1951, which decided that if one of the two countries was attacked, both would help each other.

According to Cypharma, a North Korean hacker group LAZARUS is preparing to cyberattack on 6 major countries of the world. One common thing among the 6 countries that are going to be attacked is that these countries have announced a special economic package to fight Corona. These countries are - Singapore, Japan, South Korea, USA, India, and the UK. In order to carry out cyberattacks, these hackers have created IDs from those country's government domains and people are being emailed from it.

How would a cyber attack happen?

How can people's personal information be stolen by creating fake government IDs? Ethical hacker Kanishka Sajanani explains that it is quite easy to send an email with such fake IDs. By the way, nowadays there are email providers like Gmail, Yahoo. They automatically put them in the spam when such emails arrive. But, sometimes due to other email providers and customized settings it can happen that such emails can appear in your inbox.

Kanishka says that when this happens, do not click on any of the links in such emails. Such a link can take you to a website and ask for your details. Or you can download something that will bring a Trojan to your laptop or desktop. The trojan is a kind of malware, from which all your data can be taken or you can see in live time what you are doing. What are you searching for?

The biggest attack of fishing and social engineering
The NITI Aayog report states that 57% of all cyberattacks in India are from phishing emails or social engineering. In this type of crime, phishing emails or messages are sent to people or companies and as soon as they click on the link in that mail or message, all their personal information is stolen.

After phishing or social engineering, 41% of the attacks are of malware. 30% are spearfishing, targeting only to select people or companies. After that 20% of the attacks are of denial of service, which causes the service of a company to stop. And 19% of attacks are of ransomware, in which a fake antivirus is downloaded to the user's laptop or desktop.

How big is the Chinese hacker army?

According to Cypharma's founder Kumar Ritesh, the Chinese Army is the largest hacker group in the world. It started in the 1990s. It now employs more than 3 lakh hackers and these groups are funded by the People's Liberation Army (PLA) of China and the Chinese Foreign Ministry. These hackers continue to a cyber attack the countries of America, Japan, South Korea, India, and Southeast Asia.

Russia attacks the world the most
According to a report, Russia has the highest number of cyber-attacks worldwide. The black market of cybercrime in Russia is about 2 billion dollars (more than 15 thousand crores rupees). The hackers here are funded by the government. China is followed by Russia. According to estimates, China gets 30% of all cyberattacks worldwide.

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